"It's never to late to be what you might have been"

October 5, 2013

Choose Wisely

Surround yourself with those that encourage you to and want you to do and be your best, that accept you as is and share like minded values. Don't get me wrong, you and your friends can be as different as night and day but if one of you embraces growing and being productive and the other maintains a do what I gotta do street life mentality, that's not a good match.Those that encourage you and hold you up in wrong or entice you to fight and get in trouble are not your friends. Your friends, fight with you and for you in different ways. They help you see what's worth it and what's not. They are there for you through it all. They are smiles, laughter, tears, joy, secret keepers, dream encouraging support systems, reminders that we can do/be better and show us that things could be worse. They are also people we can have a good time and be ourselves with. They sometimes know us better than we know ourselves and the occasional trouble you find yourself in:), leads to laughter, did we do that looks, shaking your head at yourselves, another one for the memory books moments not, trouble that follows you, labels you and is hard or impossible to get out of so, choose wisely. There are friends, acquaintances, people we meet, people we hang out with from time and people we share a smile and kind word with. The thing is, you must know who is who and allow them to be a part of your life and decisions accordingly.

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