"It's never to late to be what you might have been"

October 30, 2010

No More Excuses

Excuses are a procrastinators best friend. One's lack of motivation leads them to make excuses that allow  them to put off doing what they need to get done. Instead of using so much time and energy to come up with an excuse to get out of something, use that time and energy to figure out what you need to do to get the things you need to do done.

October 29, 2010


I know Halloween brings about mixed emotions / beliefs but, I see it as a time of wonder, nostalgia and memorable moments. Every since I can remember, Dos Palos has had a Halloween parade. For those of you that aren't from Dos Palos, it's a parade that's been going on for years and people young and old line the streets to watch the students, their teachers and their principals walk by. The bands, pommerettes, letter girls and the cheerleaders perform. The combination of everything going on leads to a good time being had by everyone that takes the time to be a part of it. It allows people to see people they haven't seen in a while and smiles and laughter are everywhere. The excitement of the day continues when the students return to their classes to have their class party before going to the Halloween Carnival. Family members and friends are a big part of the day as well.Today when I walked in the parade, I saw so many familiar faces, some of them have known me since I was a kid, some were classmates and others I got to know just by growing up in Dos Palos. I even missed seeing a few familiar faces; some have passed away, moved away and some for whatever reason didn't make it out this year but, I was still reminded of what really stood out for me when I first started taking part in Halloween festivities and continues to stand out: all the smiles, treats, the innocence of childhood and the fact that you can be anything you want to be. 

October 27, 2010

Worth Repeating

"Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you respond to it." ~ unknown

October 26, 2010

Question For You

First of all, I would like to thank you for supporting and reading my blog. Now for my question: I would like to know what's on your mind, what you would like to see me blog about or simply what you think of my blog so far. So, will you please leave a comment and let me know? Thanks again :)!!!  

October 25, 2010

By Example

There are things we see in this world that we don't like / would like to change. Unfortunately, group mentality can take hold and cause us to complain about what we see and / or follow along while we ignore possible solutions. People can be set in their ways but they can also be open to change. So, show compassion, be mannerable, respectful, honorable, honest and responsible. Show discipline, and be accountable for your actions / choices. Use appropriate language and be considerate of others. Give your all and always do your best. You never know who is watching, listening and taking note so, by example be the change you want to see.

October 24, 2010

Self Censorship

I must admit, I have a lot of random thoughts and a lot of things I would like to say and although I know I'm entitled to my own opinion, I also know that I'm not entitled to express what I'm thinking / feeling at the expense of someone else and their feelings. All thoughts, words and statements are open to interpretation and reflect who we are and how we're feeling. They can also put our character into question. Then there are the things that are simply inappropriate. Our audience needs to be kept in mind. I'm not saying that you need to censor yourself completely but you need to realize there's a way to say what you have to say and that you need to discern what needs to be said and what should be kept to yourself because your words and your language; spoken as well as written, reflect you as an individual. That's why you have to be mindful of the way you express yourself and remember, not everything needs to be / should be said.

October 23, 2010


SILENCE can be deafening
WORDS overpowering
CHAOS can ensue
hurt feelings
take the time to LISTEN
to what is being said
UNDERSTAND what is being heard
respond accordingly
which may be not at all

October 21, 2010

No Matter What

The things we experience in life, help us to realize what's really important. Some of them, forever changes us. They alter our life in a way we never imagined. We anticipate things but have no idea what the outcome will be. One thing for sure is one persons nevers may not be anothers. We have different ways of dealing with / going through things. We have to make the decisions that are right for us. When we reach out, we expose ourselves to so much. That can mean more heartache, unspeakable joy or a mixture of both. However, we have to realize that no matter what we face / go through, we have what it takes to survive whatever it is. We just have to believe in ourselves and hold onto our faith.

October 20, 2010

What It Takes

Sometimes we get to a point / place where we know the way we're living isn't working / the way we should be living. We settle and go through the motions while ignoring how we truly feel inside. Not only do we hurt ourselves when we do this, we also hurt the people around us. The real us doesn't get a chance to come out and show the world and the people around us how special we are because we're too busy accepting where we're at in life and making excuses for not changing what we know needs to be changed. Believe it or not, it takes just as much, if not more energy to pretend that everything is ok as it does to do what you need to do to make things better. It's never too late to take a look at your life and evaluate where you are and compare what you find to where you want to be. Then and only then can you pick up where you left off / start over / find solutions to your problems / become who / what you want to be / walk away from a relationship / friendship that means you no good  and open your heart / your world to all that awaits you. Allowing yourself to be a victim of acceptance / circumstance is a big mistake because there are too many possibilities out there. If you know changes need to be made in your life make them. It might not be easy at first but it will be worth it. Once you validate your feelings and your wishes and act on them, you will be unstoppable and the happiness, joy, success and love you deserve will be your reward.

October 19, 2010


There are things
we do
we say
We leave
mark after mark
The harder we press
the deeper the image
We realize
not all things  need to be said
should be done
We apologize
We are forgiven
The images remain
We find
have their limit

Once something is said and done, it can't be taken back. Choose your words and your ways carefully and wisely. Let the images you leave be positive, encouraging and memorable rather than hurtful, discouraging and unforgettable.

October 18, 2010

Words Of Wisdom

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and if you smile while doing it, you'll convince yourself that you're having fun at least that's what my friend told me and I tend to believe him because not only did he seem happier than usual, he looked cuter too. So, when you have a task that seems overwhelming, tedious or it's something you just don't want to do but have to do, put on something you feel cute in and smile.

October 17, 2010


"You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.” ~  Mary Manin Morrissey

When you have a dream you have to believe that it can become a reality. You'll have to take chances and face your fears. Believing that it can happen will inspire you to work at making it happen and when you feel that you've done all you can do and consider giving up, Your faith will sustain you and remind you that only you can get in your way. 

October 16, 2010

Our Days

Our days can be hard, unpredictable, challenging and frustrating but, they can also be wonderful, unforgettable, exciting, full of surprises and fun. No matter what type of day you face or perceive it to be, see each day as the blessing it is and make the best of it.

October 15, 2010

What I Know For Sure

There are days when I think what now? what next? and then, I'm reminded what now? what next? really doesn't matter. What matters is the people in your life care enough to tell you (sometimes without saying a word)/ show you that you make a difference in their life and you're able to tell them / show them that they make a difference in your life as well all while knowing that just as many obstacles that are ahead of you, are behind you. Dwelling on what you can't change, gets you nowhere. Remember where you came from / where you've been and remind yourself of the things you thought you'd never get through / overcome. While you do that, think about where you are now, what you survived / made it through. Once you do that, the what nows? and what nexts? lose their power to get you down / make you worry because you know that this to shall pass and most importantly, you know that whatever it is, you don't have to go through it alone.   

October 14, 2010

Growing Up

when you’re growing up

what you think you’re missing
lures you in
it calls you
With reckless abandon you answer
Where you’re headed
Who you’ll be
What to watch out for
Isn’t your concern
your desire to grow up controls you
instead of listening
you talk
when you should slow down
you speed up
your invincibility and its empty promises
assures you
it tells you that you know all you need to know
that you can do what you want
when you want
Eventually it all catches up to you
That’s when you grow up
and find
That while you were rushing to grow up
You missed out on so much

October 12, 2010

The Need To Know

There's a saying that says what you don't know won't hurt you but, that's not true. Ignorance isn't bliss. Not knowing how you're doing / what's going on, or simply ignoring the inevitable leaves you at a disadvantage. We need to take care of ourselves emotionally and physically. To be proactive with our health and our life, we have to know what we're dealing with. Unfortunately, there are situations where we end up being the last to know what's going on. Once we're made aware of the details and/ or deception, we can choose to ignore what we've learned or use our knowledge to decide the best course of action. To do that, we need to be honest with ourselves. Then and only then can we be accountable for our actions. So, don't ignore the red flags, the gut feelings, your heart or the little hints you get on a whisper. Pay attention to them and respond to them in a way that enhances your life rather than leaving you vulnerable / susceptible to  unnecessary let downs and heartbreak.

October 11, 2010


"Life was meant to be lived, and curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Past / present hurts, let downs, insecurity, low self-esteem, mistakes, losses, failures, broken hearts, failed relationships, unreturned love, heartache, doubt, remorse and grief all have something in common. They can make you  give up. They can make you believe that there's no reason to go on, but don't let them. There are just as many reasons to laugh and smile as there are to cry in this world. If we put the situations we face in perspective, we will see that all is not lost. Hope and faith enables us to see the possibilities of tomorrow. They show us that better days follow bad ones. Sometimes, we have to go through this life moment by moment and pick ourselves up over and over again. Each time we do that we become stronger. Our hope and faith intensifies and we show others and ourselves that life is worth living because there is so much out there to do, see and enjoy in spite of the hardships we face.

October 10, 2010

Life Lessons

Life Lessons are a daily occurrence. Each morning we wake up / day we face has the potential to teach us / remind us of how blessed we are/ show us something. A few givens are there's a time and place for everything and our actions and words not only affect us, they affect other people as well. Our outlook and our choices play a huge part in the outcome of our daily existence. When you begin your day, remind yourself of all the potential you hold / it holds. Strive to be your best as you do your part to make the best of each day you face.

October 9, 2010

October 8, 2010

Things Remembered

If you're a parent of school age children, you know that one of the first field trips your child takes is to a pumpkin patch. The mazes, the pumpkins, the hayrides,face painting, storybook time, picture taking moments, the country atmosphere, the signs of fall and the smiles and laughter, what a combination. On top of all that, they get their very own pumpkin. The sizes and shapes vary but, they find the pumpkin that seems to call their name. Once they get it home, they are all excited and you tell them how a pumpkin becomes a jack - o - lantern. With excitement in their eyes, they help you draw a face and then you carve it. As they dig out the pulp, they say ewwww and make faces all while smiling. You smile too because you see that it was more than a field trip to the pumpkin patch it was also the basis of family time and an unforgettable memory. Once the jack - o - lantern comes to life, you decide where to put it while the ewwws become ohhs and ahhs and the laughter and smiles continues. For me, my first pumpkin patch moment took place 15 years ago but , I remember it like it was yesterday. I shared it with a dear friend of mine when he talked about taking his son to the pumpkin patch and the anticipation of his son's first field trip which was also to the pumpkin patch, he gave me the honor of carving a pumpkin with him. Tonight, I carved a pumpkin with his son and his cousin's daughter (if you know me, you know that I actually see them as my babies too).The ewws,oohs, ahhs, smiles and laughter were recorded and pictures were taken all while our pumpkin became a jack - o - lantern and together, we created a memory that was a bonus for me. I'll never forget it (hopefully they won't either) and it also took me back in time.

October 7, 2010

Do What You Can

"No act of kindness, is ever wasted."...What you see as nothing or no big deal, can mean the world to someone else. Saying hello, a hug, a smile, offering to help, asking someone how they are, simply acknowledging someone...(yes, the list goes on), are ways to show someone they matter and that someone cares. Since everyone can use a pick me up, choose to be kind. You can make someone and yourself feel good in the process.   

October 5, 2010


Who is to say what the exact definition of the word success is? It can be interpreted in many ways. So give it your own meaning. No matter what you definition may be, use your drives, ambitions, dreams and aspirations to get you there. Always remind yourself that the only thing that will stop you from achieving success is you! So go hard in everything you do. Contrary to the belief of many, the sky is not the limit; so don't be afraid to go beyond it. Even though it may take a while to get motivated, don't give up. More than anything else don't be lazy. I have learned that the hard way. Success is measured by what you put into getting it. Don't be afraid to fail. It happens. Just get back up and keep going and one day it will pay off in the long run. We may not see it now but like they say, lead by faith not by sight. Legends aren't born they rise, so rise in order to achieve greatness. If you don't do it for anything else at least do it for yourself. We have one life, one time so do it and do it well. Be successful.

October 4, 2010

The Right To Choose

When you're tempted to criticize someone or simply disagree with them, keep in mind, your nevers might not be their nevers. If their way of living is legal and moral and they're happy and content with their lives who are we to judge? Instead of giving them a hard time, hold them up in prayer. True, they might not be making the best of choices but if we take an honest look over our lives, we'll probably find that we don't always make the best choices either. There's a lot to consider, when we go through life. If one finds happiness in this uncertain world and dares to live their life on their terms, let them. At best, we can make the best of ours too. We don't want to be criticized just because someone else feels we're not living up to their standards and neither do the people in our lives. So with that in mind, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!"

October 3, 2010

When It Rains It Pours

They say when it rains it pours. I actually pride myself in being a pretty optimistic person and generally try to find a positive in everything I face / go through but I still believe that there's a lot of truth to that statement. I've heard it used often so, it's one of those things quite a few people believe. Fortunately for me, I also believe that this to shall pass is a true statement too. So, instead of thinking why me, I start praying. I do get overwhelmed and emotional but once I come to my senses, I remind myself that worrying and stressing isn't going to change a thing. I just have to take the steps I can to get through what I'm facing while trusting that everything will work out. Sometimes, that's easier said than done but before I get caught up in woe is me, something happens, I might read something or someone says / does something and I'm reminded that things could be worse. That's when I count my blessings because those reminders express another truth. God is sheltering me from the storm. 

October 2, 2010

More Than Words

 Dream    Believe
 Give       Share
 Laugh     Inspire
 Hope      Hold On
 Listen     Learn
 Forgive  Keep your word
 Watch    Explore
 Love      Care
 Enjoy     Smile
"Don't just existLIVE!"