"It's never to late to be what you might have been"

October 20, 2010

What It Takes

Sometimes we get to a point / place where we know the way we're living isn't working / the way we should be living. We settle and go through the motions while ignoring how we truly feel inside. Not only do we hurt ourselves when we do this, we also hurt the people around us. The real us doesn't get a chance to come out and show the world and the people around us how special we are because we're too busy accepting where we're at in life and making excuses for not changing what we know needs to be changed. Believe it or not, it takes just as much, if not more energy to pretend that everything is ok as it does to do what you need to do to make things better. It's never too late to take a look at your life and evaluate where you are and compare what you find to where you want to be. Then and only then can you pick up where you left off / start over / find solutions to your problems / become who / what you want to be / walk away from a relationship / friendship that means you no good  and open your heart / your world to all that awaits you. Allowing yourself to be a victim of acceptance / circumstance is a big mistake because there are too many possibilities out there. If you know changes need to be made in your life make them. It might not be easy at first but it will be worth it. Once you validate your feelings and your wishes and act on them, you will be unstoppable and the happiness, joy, success and love you deserve will be your reward.

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