"It's never to late to be what you might have been"

November 18, 2014

Where We Are

As we make it through our day to day existence, things happen / things come up. Sometimes those things overwhelm us and we nurture them and turn them into excuses.  Imagine putting a positive spin on them. Acknowledge where you are but continuously remind yourself that it's not where you have to remain. Take the time to invest in yourself . What is it that you want to do? What do you want to be? Are there things you want to change? Only you can answer those questions and other questions that you might have. Once you do that have the courage to turn your answer into a truth. Become who or what you're destined to be. Don't settle for where you are.

June 3, 2014


With the school year coming to an end, I find myself thinking about graduation, life changes, loss, moving on, see you laters... Each of those have a bittersweet connotation. Something is ending whether we're ready or not. The realization that change is occuring can be scary, exciting and life changing at the same time. Yes, endings are hard but they forge a beginning. A beginning that has remanents of the past that shaped you into you. Therefore, there are no true endings. There are reminders of what was and the promise of what is yet to be. May your endings carry more joy than pain. May they inspire you and encourage you. May they remind you that  their very existence means that life as you know it is a sum of parts that comes together to tell a story like no other. See them as had to be there moments as you venture towards whatever is yet to be with the belief that the in - betweens are what we make them.

June 2, 2014

Life is a Canvas

We live in a world where diversity is ever present. We differ in many ways. We have nevers and deal breakers that work within our mindset and scheme of things. The problem with that is we expect people to believe as we do and when they don't we want to belittle them or judge them. However, that isn't our due or our right. We must learn to come together. Not so we're all the same  but so we can come to appreciate the colorful, abstract canvas of life whose beauty lies in the eyes of the beholders and those that choose to live it without blinders not the ones that stand idly by judging rather than adding to the beauty of it all.

June 1, 2014


Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. It can be obtained in many ways. Sometimes its unexpectantly but its there and can be ever present if we allow it to be. Psalm 30:5 reminds us that...weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning. Dare to find the goodness in all you face. Do good! Be good! Believe in the goodness of others, in life, even if its not easily seen because "Joy is a decision, a really BRAVE one, about how you are going to respond to life."- Wess Stafford

February 6, 2014

Be Encouraged

There may come a time when you think all you can do is give up or give in. It is then that you must  be encouraged and resilient. When you feel yourself wavering committ to trying  to succeed at whatever you're attempting one more time. If you do that, the worst that can happen is you remain where you are but there's also the chance that one more try can make all the difference in the world. It can show you that it's a good thing you didn't give up or give in because if you had, you wouldn't have known that choosing to keep trying / believing was all the inspiration you needed to get you to the point where you could say, "YEAH ME!!!"...because you finally allowed yourself to realize your potential and see all the progress you were making even when you thought the odds weren't in your favor.

February 5, 2014

A Quote I Read

 This quote by Martha Washington  caught my attention ~ “I’ve learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances”. ~ When I read it, I was reminded that the way we see /react/ respond to the situations we’re faced with, impacts the way we perceive and eventually deal with/internalize them. Our state of mind can cause us to let what we’re dealing with get the best of us before we take the time to think things through and respond accordingly. As a result, we tend to make things worse than they are rather than take the time to rationalize what we’re facing. Yes, there are overwhelming situations/circumstances that we must deal with and can’t necessarily change and that is why the way we choose to deal with those situations/ circumstances is so important. Our mental and emotional state affects the way we carry ourselves and deal with others. If we’re miserable and bitter we invite misery and bitterness into our lives because that’s the attitude we’re projecting but if we find the least bit of good in what we must endure and respond accordingly, we have a greater chance of dealing with what we must deal with positively which can bring about an optimistic rather than a woe is me pessimistic attitude. Try it for yourself. I'm sure you'll agree:)!!!

February 4, 2014

Each Day

Each day comes with so much. It offers new experiences, new lessons, new beginnings , new oppurtunities... It's up to us to face them knowing that life is what we make of it. Yes, there are times that our outlook is tested. Simplicity eludes us because with good days come bad. Lucky for us, those bad days are no match for prayer, faith and the people that love us. Kind guestures become pick us ups. They turn not so good days around. To show our gratitude, we should do the same for someone else. So, each day, smile, share kind words, take the time to show others that they matter, that they're appreciated. Laugh, share, give, encourage! In  doing so, you'll come to see that a positive outlook is easy to spread because it's so contagious. It allows you to enjoy each day that you are blessed with and helps you see that life is to short to just exist in this world. Each day keep that in mind and do all you can to live life to the fullest and help others around you to do the same. You'll end up making your time here worthwhile , memorable, unforgettable and rewarding for others and yourself.

January 17, 2014

Passage of time

Amazing how many hours slip by while planning how to use your time! ~ Anonymous

I think this quote is anonymous because so many people are guilty of it. If we got half as much stuff done in real life as we do in our minds, what a success we would be. Procrastination would be a thing of the past and life would be boring. I say that because I have found that planning sparks creativity and motivation. What we need to do is find a balance between the two.  We need to make a planning and doing pact with ourselves that consists of using our time wisely out wasting it.

January 16, 2014

Your Outlook Matters

Where you are right now, doesn't determine where you'll end up or where you'll be as time passes. Yes, it is part of your journey and the choices you make, things you do or don't do, the actions you take and the way you respond /react to things will contribute to the outcome but, you still have to see each day as a chance to make changes as you figure out what works and what doesn't as you continue to work towards your goals. No matter how long it takes and in spite of the obstacles / challenges you face, continuously remind yourself that you and the outcome you seek are worth it. Along the way, make note of the reasons you're working towards whatever it is you're working towards and refer to it when necessary. When you're doing what you can to encourage yourself and keep going, every little bit helps. So, hang in there and do all you can to make your journey memorable, worthwhile, fun and unforgettable because the way it turns out depends on your outlook twords life and all that you face while living it.

January 15, 2014

It's Up To Us

“A smile happens in a flash, but it's memory can last a lifetime."The way we treat someone / what we say to them and do for or to them, can stay with them forever. Therefor we should do our best to be kind , compassionate, helpful and understanding. By choosing our words and actions carefully, we can make a positive impression and leave the people we encounter during our lifetime with a reason to smile/feel good about themselves. In a world full of so many uncertain things,  mixed emotions and beliefs, giving and/ or leaving someone with a reason to smile and believe that there's more good than bad in this world is an accomplishment that truly makes a difference.

January 14, 2014

Effort Required

"...Faith without works is dead"- James 2:20
There is much to be accomplished. In order to do the things you want to do, become the person you want to be or to just follow your dreams, you have to believe anything is possible and put forth the effort to reach your goals. All the belief in the world means nothing if you sit idly by waiting for things to happen rather than taking the necessary steps to make them happen.

January 13, 2014

Something I Believe

"The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of what they have."

       Tough times are knocking at my door. Trying to make ends meet is a struggle but I'm holding on. I'm grateful for my family, my friends, the struggles I've seen and overcome, the life lessons I've learned and the ability to strive for better times all while knowing I'm not going through this alone. What I hold onto is the belief that a change is going to come and the knowledge that it could be worse. Lucky for me, my mom taught me about family, faith, the power of prayer and endurance.
      Thinking about where I am takes me back to when I first became a mother. I didn't have much money and material things were scarce. What I did have was all that my mom taught me and the appreciation of what matters most. At the time, that was a heart full of love for my son and the desire to make the best of what we had and the most of every moment. I can honestly say in my mind, I had more than I deserved. As time passed, I was blessed with a daughter. Through them, I came to know what earthly treasures really were. I remember telling them we had the most valuable thing of all, each other.  Together, we made the most of our days and cherished our moments in time. We wrote letters and notes, spent time together, and we shared our joy and our dreams. We lived, loved, laughed and inspired each other. We had so many just because moments. We made one another better people and we always had a reason to smile...EACH OTHER! Through making the best of what we had we came to find we had more than enough. Those hard times made us resilient and hopeful. Through the years, things got better and sometimes, they got worse but you wouldn't know it because we learned to make the best of it.
     No, love and heartfelt gestures doesn't pay the bills but they do make tough times bearable and easier to get through.

January 12, 2014

You Time

"Relax, reflect, recharge, renew!" ~ Woman's World magazine

I like this quote and chose to share it because it expresses the importance of taking time for yourself. You earn it! You deserve it! You need it! Basically, in order to be the best you that you can be, it is important to take / make time for yourself. A little indulgence in a legal and moral guilty pleasure every now and then can be very rewarding. It can renew your spirit and restore your energy. Make a list of things you like to do or would like to try. Pick one from time to time and set a day and time to make it happen. You can decide to do something for yourself once a week, twice a month, once a month, twice a year, once a year; it really doesn't matter what you choose, just make sure that you follow through with whatever you choose to do because you deserve it. Everyone can use an escape every now and then. You and the ones you love will benefit from you taking / making the time for yourself. The peace of mind that comes with it is a source of pleasure that will bring you joy, make you smile and restore your energy all while recharging your batteries so you can be even better at completing your goals, obligations and responsibilities.

January 10, 2014

Navigating Life

As you face each day, believe that anything is possible, because, it is. Be full of wonder and willing to listen and learn. Try to see the good in all you face. If for some reason, the good eludes you from time to time, have faith that the bad will work itself out. Imagine the possibilities and let your dreams run wild. Be hopeful! Follow your heart and pray daily for yourself, others and our world. Cherish what matters and let go of the rest. Know that there are no guarantees but it takes just as much energy to be optimistic as it does pessimistic. The only difference between the two is one brings you down and keeps you down while the other lifts you up and helps you through. So, remember to find a reason to smile through all that you face. Laugh as often as you can. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Appreciate what you have and count your blessings. Give thanks, give back, hold on, and trust that although the navigation of life comes with many twists and turns as well as ups and downs, at it's worst, it's still worth living and enjoying.

January 9, 2014


Be encouraged
Be hopeful
Be  accountable
Be honest
Be yourself
Be aware
Be unforgettable for good reasons
Be happy
Be appreciative
Be forgiving
Be mindful...
Be willing
BEcome who you want to be

January 8, 2014

You Got This

Week 2 of the new year is here. Your resolutions /goals for 2014 are supposedly set in stone this time. Now comes the hard part. The part where you have to keep your resolve and see your  resolutions /goals through. In making the decision to change /do / accomplish something, you took a big step. As you make progress remember that you and only you can stop you from succeeding . Continue to remind yourself that in order to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true, you have to face the fact that you will face obstacles as well as the fact that it won't always be easy. Don't let that stop you. If you believe in yourself and decide that no matter what, you aren't going to give up and that you aren't going to let setbacks stop you, you will find a way to do / accomplish what you set out to do. So, embrace whatever challenges you face and show them that you're unstoppable because your mind is set on succeeding and giving up, isn't an option.

January 7, 2014

Free Yourself

When so many things happen at once, we find it easier to just give up. We convince ourselves that nothing is going to change so, we end up accepting things as is and try to make the best of it. However, just like you convince yourself that you're destined to make do rather than strive for more, you can convince yourself that anything is possible by changing your way of thinking. Once you start believing anything is possible, you have the power to make a difference in your life. It may be hard at first because you wonder where do I start? This is all I've ever known. Once you get past the second guessing of yourself and the self doubt, you free yourself to take steps towards what your heart truly desires.

January 6, 2014

Things That Make A Difference

Love, generosity, gratitude, joy, peace, family, friendship, good times, memorable moments, faith, hope, honesty, trustworthiness, kindness, inspiration, laughter, music, being there, follow through, forgiveness, understanding, sense of self, belief in oneself, a smile...

January 5, 2014

Why Is It?

Why is it that as soon as we set our minds to do something, obstacles seemingly pop up over and over again. Worst case scenarios go through your head and you start wavering and doubting yourself. I don't know the answer to that but I do know that the worst that can really happen is that you remain in your comfort zone and miss out on a chance to better yourself. Be it you've put your dreams aside, you're not where you want to be in life, for health reasons, a peace of mind or just because you're worth it, choose to face those obstacles and address the worst case scenarios. I'm sure you'll find that the pros outweigh the cons.

January 4, 2014

Pride In Oneself

Today I went to see one of my babies graduate. The ceremony led me to today's post. I looked around at the family and friends in attendance. Posters, balloons and flowers were everywhere. Anticipation and restlessness was evident. Then, the ceremony began. We stood up to welcome the Kaplan class of 2014. From the time they walked in to hearing their names called, their smiles said so much. Pride was in the air as they crossed the stage one by one. Students of different ages from different backgrounds had their own reasons for going to college. They walked tall. They didn't let life, life issues, hardships or obstacles stop them. They hung in there and accomplished their goals. They are now graduates ready for the next chapter of their lives (what a way to start the new year). The best part of it all is in addition to their family and friends being proud of them, they are proud of themselves. They did what they set out to do. By example, they showed everyone in attendance it could be done and it's never to late to be what you might've been or simply, who or what you want to be.

Congratulations Courtney Benson!!! I am so happy for and proud of you!!!

January 3, 2014

Your Truths

You are the only one that knows what you wrestle with, cherish, hope for, fear. Your nevers aren't mine and your tolerance level differs as well. Your hurts, wants, needs and beliefs may mirror mine but your truths are yours. To be honest with oneself and face the hidden facets of your being is a big but necessary step. So often we wear a mask and pretend that all is well. After a while, we find ourselves hiding our feelings to protect others, to get along, to keep from facing what we should face. We reason with ourselves and justify doing what we have to do to keep the peace, fit in and get along.  Our mask becomes our face and our reflection becomes a resemblance of someone we thought we were while hiding who we would like to be. Until our hidden truths are faced, we can never truly grow, progress, be. Living up to others keeps us from living up to ourselves. As a result, suffering in silence begins. You function and do what you have to do. You reside in survival mode and make the best of it. You get so good at it that you come to believe that things are as they should be but they aren't. You take care of everyone but yourself. Find a balance, treat yourself as you treat others.You deserve to be the best you that you want to be / that you're destined to be. As long as your desires are legal and moral, express them, live for them, make them a reality. Be true to yourself. Know that your uniqueness, quirks, sense of self matters. No one can live their life through you no matter how hard they try and you can't live your life through someone else either. Embrace your truths and dare to be you. In the process, your garden will be weeded but, you will definitely grow!

January 2, 2014

A Simple Thought

Know why you do what you do. Make sure your reasoning is beneficial not detrimental. When you fail to consider the outcome or consider it and ignore the warning signs, you contribute to your own demise.

January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Whatever your resolutions/goals are as the new year begins, keep one thing in mind, life is what happens while you're making plans. Strive to do better/be better!  As you make necessary and\ or desired changes, don't get so caught up in what you think should be that you forget what is. Do what you have to do but make time for the little things that are really big things in disguise. Make sure that growing, learning, trying,living, loving, laughing, expressing, giving, forgiving, forgetting, smiling, inspiring, believing...are part of whatever goals/plans you make. Your journey to self fulfillment is a long continuous one. Make it fun, memorable and rewarding. Happy 2014!!! Let the one for the memory book experiences worth while.