"It's never to late to be what you might have been"

June 3, 2014


With the school year coming to an end, I find myself thinking about graduation, life changes, loss, moving on, see you laters... Each of those have a bittersweet connotation. Something is ending whether we're ready or not. The realization that change is occuring can be scary, exciting and life changing at the same time. Yes, endings are hard but they forge a beginning. A beginning that has remanents of the past that shaped you into you. Therefore, there are no true endings. There are reminders of what was and the promise of what is yet to be. May your endings carry more joy than pain. May they inspire you and encourage you. May they remind you that  their very existence means that life as you know it is a sum of parts that comes together to tell a story like no other. See them as had to be there moments as you venture towards whatever is yet to be with the belief that the in - betweens are what we make them.

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